[Zope] Catatonic Zope Server

Dieter Maurer dieter at handshake.de
Fri Dec 17 15:06:16 EST 2004

Jake wrote at 2004-12-17 08:14 -0500:
>First of all I am currently running 2.7b3, Plone 2.0R3 and CMF 1.4.2.
>This happens to me now and again. Basically, Zope just hangs and nothing
>from /bin/runzope to /zopectl will work to get it back up. I need to kill
>the threads (that are left, sometime it looks like one thread dies) and
>restart Zope. I would say over the last year, this has happened maybe 3

This is a Python bug together with LinuxThreads triggered by a fatal

Your options:

  *  The Python bug tracker contains a patch for Python 2.3.x
     (I do not know the number).

  *  The bug is fixed in Python 2.4

  *  You can switch to Linux 2.6 and "PosixThreads"

  *  You can try to find out why you get the fatal signal (and avoid it)
     You will want to do this anyway...


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