[Zope] Zope 2x, Plone 1 and 2, and Apache- No Style Sheets Come Through

Sean Kelley sean at horse101.com
Thu Feb 5 19:14:17 EST 2004

I have tried two different methods to serve plone1/2 and Zope 2.6,2.7 
through apache 2 on windows with the same result- the pages come through 
but not the style sheets.  One uses sitetroot in the plone folder and 
one uses VirtualHostMonster in the root.  I used the follow two pages to 


What is the missing link piece?

# added to Apache 2 for zope with siteroot
ProxyRequests Off
#plone 1.0.3
ProxyPass /ut/ http://localhost:9080/utilities
ProxyPass /ut http://localhost:9080/utilities
ProxyPassReverse /ut/ http://localhost:9080/utilities
ProxyPassReverse /ut http://localhost:9080/utilities
ProxyPass /misc_ http://localhost:9080/utilities//misc_
ProxyPass /p_ http://localhost:9080/utilities/p_

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