[Zope] TALES Confusion

Philip Kilner phil at xfr.co.uk
Mon Feb 9 13:58:38 EST 2004

Hi Casey,

Casey Duncan wrote:
>>- In my ZPT, I'm using "user/getUserName", which works perfectly.
>>- I'd now like to migrate this functionality to a Formulator form
> Probably Formulator does not supply the global "user" like ZPT does. You
> might have to resort to:
> python:modules['AccessControl'].getSecurityManager().getUser().getUserN
> ame()
> But that assumes that Formulator supplies "module" which it may not.

It didn't...

> create a python script called "getUserName" which contains the code:
> from AccessControl import getSecurityManager
> return getSecurityManager().getUser().getUserName()
> Then use: here/getUserName as the path expression (assuming Formulator
> uses "here"). As you can see Products are free to create whatever
> variable bindings they like for their TALES expressions.

...but this worked fine, and better yet is intelligible to me, even in 
my brain-charred state.

So, my impression that Formulator does not let me use the same 
expressions seems to be correct - and it was this inability to use the 
global variables and syntax indicated in the TALES documentation which 
was throwing me.

The moral of the story seems to be to break the problem down into chunks 
- a script which carries the appropriate expression (and can be tested 
in isolation) and a TALES expression which does no more than call the 
script (and is therefore v. simple). I'd hoped I could hold all the 
derivations of values /inside/ the Formulator form, but that seems to 
have two costs - one that it doesn't work (!), the other that the error 
messages are from the "dumb insolence" family...

Thanks, Casey - I feel a bit more empowered and a lot less frustrated now!




Email: phil at xfr.co.uk / Voicemail & Facsimile: 07092 070518

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