[Zope] Apache, Zope & Mailman

Ed Leafe ed at leafe.com
Tue Feb 10 08:28:38 EST 2004

On Feb 10, 2004, at 6:24 AM, John Poltorak wrote:

> After finally getting my rewrite rules set up within Apache to access
> Zope, I now find the GUI for an associated Mailman mailing list also 
> gets
> redirected.
> How do I prevent Mailman requests from being rewritten to access Zope?

	Just add a RewriteCond line for every directory that you don't want 
redirected to Zope. I do this for my Mailman lists, and also have a 
directory with many of the images I need on the site. I exclude both of 
these from the rewrite. Here's an excerpt from my httpd.conf file:

		# Let Apache handle requests for non-Zope content
		RewriteCond $1 !^mailman/.*
		RewriteCond $1 !^icons/.*
		RewriteCond $1 !^images/.*
		RewriteCond $1 !^manual/.*
		RewriteCond $1 !^stats/.*
		# 2003.2.3 - Added these security checks
		RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/VirtualHostBase/
		RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/VirtualHostRoot/
		RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/_vh_
		# OK, here's the rule!!
		RewriteRule ^/(.*) 
http://localhost:8080/VirtualHostBase/http/leafe.com:80/$1 [L,P]

  Ed Leafe

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