[Zope] Re: Command line access to Zope data
John Poltorak
jp at warpix.org
Sat Feb 21 09:51:40 EST 2004
On Sat, Feb 21, 2004 at 02:39:53PM +0100, Anton Stonor wrote:
> John Poltorak wrote:
> > I am assumming that all data on a Zope hosted website resides in Data.fs
> > even if you are running a Plone site.
> >
> > If so, how do you update something like Plone news items from the command
> > line?
> As others have written you can connect to Zope in different ways. Zope
> takes care of marshalling and demarshalling the data. So if you get a
> news object from Zope by using FTP it will look like a normal HTML file
> to your editor, command line tool or other. You can then edit the ASCII
> file and save it back and Zope takes care of updating the database
> accordingly.
OK, so how does Zope's FTP recognise it is getting a news object and how
does it know which Plone site it is meant for, since there could be
multiple sites being hosted?
> A news item will look like this:
Thanks, I will give this a try once I plug the gaps in my understanding of
how it works.
So far I have the format of a file stored locally, say newsitem.txt, once
I ftp to:-
myzopeftp.org 8021
how should the transaction proceed, assuming I have a Plone site called
> --
> /Anton Stonor
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