[Zope] problems running ZserverSSL; process continues, response stops

Mitch Trachtenberg mjtrac at cox.net
Tue Jan 6 02:09:21 EST 2004


  Apologies in advance if this is not the right place to post -- any 
pointers to more appropriate lists will be appreciated.

  I'm running Zope-2.6.2 with a modified ZServer built using the 
M2Crypto package, version 0.11.  There is no server "in front of" 
ZServer, which is listening on port 9443.  Things start up fine.  In my 
log file, I get  messages of the form:

2004-01-06T01:17:54 INFO(0) ZServer recv: closing channel 
<ZServer.HTTPS_Server.zhttps_channel connected xx.xx.xx.xx:1123 
at 0x935270c channel#: 51 requests:> unexpected eof
2004-01-06T01:29:12 INFO(0) ZServer recv: closing channel 
<ZServer.HTTPS_Server.zhttps_channel connected xx.xx.xx.xx:1143 
at 0x8f7e854 channel#: 71 requests:> (104, 'Connection reset by peer')

The server runs for about 1000 requests (at least it was 1000 the last 
time) and then stops responding.  The process(es) still show up in a 
process listing.  To get things rolling again, I have to
use the stop script and then the start script.

I doubt any of the following information matters, but:
 -- all accesses are from two machines in two locations, both running 
recent versions of Explorer.  
 -- the machine on which the server is running is very lightly loaded
 -- the served Zope pages are a Plone site, which connects to a MySQL 
 -- there is no log message related to the stop in response
 -- Zope appears to shut down and restart normally in response to the 
stop and start scripts
 -- the start script does NOT include the -D flag
 -- the Zope process is run from a regular user account
 -- there is no obvious way in which the "last request" differs from 
those that precede it

I'd be very grateful for any pointers or suggestions, and would be 
delighted to answer any questions that might help in diagnosing this. 
 Thanks in advance.

Mitch Trachtenberg
mjtrac at cox dot net

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