[Zope] Apache mod_cgi WebDAV patch

Dieter Maurer dieter at handshake.de
Fri Jan 16 14:43:15 EST 2004

Barbara Langmueller wrote at 2004-1-16 16:16 +0100:
> ...
>So far I have used my web browser for editing the files, and I would
>like to use WebDAV for editing my files now.
>For one instance, I have modified my Zope start script to use the following 
><ip>:8080 -> http (rendered)
><ip>:8021 -> ftp
><ip>:9800 -> http (not rendered, for WebDAV)
>Using the WebDAV client cadaver I can connect to
><ip>(:80) without problems.
>Trying to connect to <ip>:9800 and <ip>:8080 fails with the following error:
>dav:!> open
>Looking up hostname... Connecting to server... connected.
>Could not contact server:
>Malformed header line.
>Searching the web for answers, I have found the following posting:
>The patch is very old (1999). Do you think that my problems discribed abough
>are cause by this problem and is it still necessary to apply this patch?

As I see, you are contacting your Zope server directly
(and not via Apache). In this case, the "mod_cgi_webdav_patch"
is not relevant for you.

Andreas Jung has a tool to analyse WebDAV problems.
Google for it: "Andreas Jung WebDAV monitor"


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