[Zope] Re: database conflicts and the _p_oid missing attribute bug

Jeremy Hylton jeremy at zope.com
Thu Jan 22 23:26:23 EST 2004

I'll be at LinuxWorld tomorrow and mostly aware from my email, but
here's a brief response that might offer some clues.

On Thu, 2004-01-22 at 21:45, Dennis Allison wrote:
> I have been having problems with Zope locking up (deadlock?) when 
> ZODB conflicts occur.  I am running Zope 2.6.2b3 with the 3.1.2b2
> version of the ZODB (that is, a vanilla install).  Python is 2.1.3.

It's possible that upgrading to a non-beta release will fix, although
most of the issues resolved in the 3.1.x maintenance releases were ZEO

> The diagnostic is always:
> 2004-01-22T12:25:15 ERROR(200) ZODB A storage error occured during 
> transaction abort.  This shouldn't happen.
> Traceback (innermost last):
>   File /home/zopesys/lib/python/ZODB/Transaction.py, line 262, in commit
>   File /home/zopesys/lib/python/ZODB/Transaction.py, line 393, in 
> _commit_error
> AttributeError: Surrogate instance has no attribute '_p_oid'

There is more than one error here, which makes the log message very
confusing.  In particular, there is an exception that occurs during the
second phase of the two-phase commit, a second error that occurs trying
to recover from the first error, and a third error trying to log a
message about the second error.  It's a real mess.  It might help to
change the way logging is done so that you can see the first two error

In _commit_error(), change the self.log() call in these lines

                # nothing to do but log the error
                self.log("Failed to abort object %s" % repr(o._p_oid),

to say this:
  self.log("Failed to abort object %s" % repr(o), error=sys.exc_info())

And change one line in _commit

                # Ugh, we got an got an error during commit, so we
                # have to clean up.  First save the original exception
                # in case the cleanup process causes another
                # exception.
                error = sys.exc_info()
                    self._commit_error(objects, ncommitted, jars,
                    LOG('ZODB', ERROR,
                        "A storage error occured during transaction "
                        "abort.  This shouldn't happen.",

The LOG() call should be passing error=error, not error=sys.exc_info().

I don't think those changes will introduce any new problems and will
tell us a lot about what is really going on.

> As I understand what's happening (after reading the logs carefully), I
> have one or more folks trying to use the same object.  Zope's ZODB
> serializes the access and aborts all but the oldest of the conflicting
> transactions.  The diagnostic occurs because a registered object is 
> missing the _p_oid attribute that's used to rollback the transaction.  The 
> big question is which of the several sub-transactions is the culprit--or 
> is it a bug as Dieter has suggested, soluable by providing a default 
> value for _p_oid -- 

That right in a rough sense.  ZODB uses optimistic concurrency control,
so later transactions are aborted if they conflict with
already-committed ones.  But the transactions actually run concurrently.

The original error in the second-phase of two-phase commit is part of
the problem.  Since it's in the second phase, it's not caused by a ZODB
conflict but by some more serious failure of one of the transactional
resource managers.  Unfortunately, we can't tell which one because the
buggy logging code has swallowed the error.


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