[Zope] shared_products -- where?

Tobias Herp Nummer-5 at gmx.net
Thu Jan 29 11:08:09 EST 2004


After reading http://www.zope.org/Members/4am/instancehome, I just 
transformed my standard Zope 2.6.2 installation (on RedHat 7)
into a INSTANCE_HOME version, like this (view in fixed width font):

|  +-Zope-2.6.2          (ZOPE_HOME)
|  |  :
|  |  `-lib
|  |     `-python
|  |        `-Products
|  +-Zope-2.6.4-rc1
|  :
       |  +-FrameTitle
       |  +-FSCounter
       |  `-ExternalEditor
          +-main          (INSTANCE_HOME)
          |  +-var
          |  +-import
here?    |  +-shared_products --> /home/zope/shared_products
          |  `-Products
or here? |     `-shared_products --> /home/zope/shared_products
          `-test          (other INSTANCE_HOME)

This works fine, with one exception:  I didn't manage yet to get Zope
recognise the products in the shared_products folder.  I tried a lot of
variants of case and softlink location, but without success, and I 
couldn't find anything in the web.  How exactly is this supposed to 
work?  Are there any special __init__.py files needed anywhere?



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