[Zope] Re: Doing zope administration from remote computer

Paul Winkler pw_lists at slinkp.com
Fri Jul 16 13:42:06 EDT 2004

I use ssh tunneling a lot.

e.g. assume you have a shell account on foo.yourcompany.com,
and that zope is running on zope1.yourcompany.com:8080.
(of course it also works fine if they are the same host).
As long as there is a route from foo to zope1, and 
port 8080 is not blocked by a firewall, then you can use
ssh tunneling as i describe.
to test this, I log in to foo.yourcompany.com and do
wget http://zope1.yourcompany.com:8080/ 

then i can do:

ssh foo.yourcompany.com -L 8888:zope1.yourcompany.com:8080

... and now on my desktop I can browse http://localhost:8888
and I am really seeing zope.yourcompany.com:8080

I do this a lot so I have some ports in my ~/.ssh/config,

Host foo.yourcompany.com
User (my user name goes here)
ForwardX11 no 
GatewayPorts no
LocalForward 8080 zope1.yourcompany.com:8080
LocalForward 8081 zope1.yourcompany.com:8081
LocalForward 8280 zope2.yourcompany.com:8080
LocalForward 8281 zope2.yourcompany.com:8081

On a Windows box you can do the same thing by configuring
your ssh client appropriately.
e.g. i know there's an option for port forwarding in PuTTY.
but i forget where it is.


Paul Winkler

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