[Zope] Locked myself out...

andrew cooke andrew at acooke.org
Sun Jul 18 16:09:34 EDT 2004


I was in the Zope management interface, looking at the security properties
for a folder i had added to the system (containing scripts and sql for our
timecard system).

I then remvoed (iirc) the permission "Access Contents Information" for
anonymous users.  Now I can't look at the config for that folder (I was
thinking it would change access controls to the pages in the Plone site,
not the config pages!).  How on earth do I get access to this folder

More exactly, when I, for example, click on the folder on the left frame,
I get a browser pop-up asking for verification.  When I enter admin/plone
it simply repeats the pop-up.  If I press "Cancel" I get the error "You
are not authorized to view this object."

Help, please!


` __ _ __ ___  ___| |_____   work web site: http://www.ctio.noao.edu/~andrew
 / _` / _/ _ \/ _ \ / / -_)  personal web site: http://www.acooke.org/andrew
 \__,_\__\___/\___/_\_\___|  list: http://www.acooke.org/andrew/compute.html

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