[Zope] Zope Member Log In behavior

Jonathan Cyr cyrj at cyr.info
Thu Jun 3 19:11:48 EDT 2004

You're right, I've been caught by my own virtual domain, my apologies...

Here's what I'm trying to do.  My website/app has a common folder to 
which members have view only access, then inside this common folder, 
each user member has their own folder with significantly more access.

What I'm hoping to do is provide a common login in the common folder, 
that somehow iterates through the member sub-folders and logs them in 
there.  (Note: the member sub-folders are folderish python products of 
my own design)

I'm trying to avoid giving each user rights to the common folder and 
preventing acquistion of the user folder through each member folder if 
I can.

I thought the old Zope.org site worked like this, maybe that's where I 
saw it.  I know the new one is Plone-like and login is probably 
handled in the CMF/Plone bundle of code.

Any magic Zope-ish way to do such a thing?

I use the regular Zope HTTP authentication and User Folder.



Dieter Maurer wrote:
> Jonathan Cyr wrote at 2004-5-31 18:12 -0400:
>>When you log in to Zope's management screens, I've noticed that users 
>>with access only to deeper folders are forwarded to their deeper 
>>folders automatically.  They never see the Root folder or any other 
>>folders above theirs.
> I just tried -- and could not observe that (which I expected).
> Click at the "/" in the "breadcrumbs" of any management page
> and you will see that you are not forwarded.

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