[Zope] Running zope single threaded fixes memory leaks and frequent sigsegv(11) restarts.

Richard Ettema richard.ettema at yoursolutions.com
Fri Jun 4 08:21:53 EDT 2004


This combines two previous questions about problems I have been 
experiencing with large memory leaks and also lately zope being 
restarted regularly by a sigsegv(11) signal.

Both of these issues have been "fixed" by running zope on our production 
server with a single thread.

We are currently running zope 2.6.2, python 2.1.3, on debian stable.

The memory leak problem could be reproduced on the dev server but the 
sigsegv problem could not be reproduced. Running the dev box single 
threaded did fix the leak problem there as well though.

The dev box is due to be upgraded to zope 2.7 and python 2.3 but is 
there anything I should be looking at that could be the cause of these 
problems? I have done a lot of searching but have not found many clues 
to the next step other than upgrade zope.

The page I read about running single threaded suggests a C extension 
being a likely cause. I have been reading up on creating c extensions 
for python, but how do you track down where/when existing python code 
makes use of a c extension?
Being new to the debugging side of things, can someone give suggestions 
on links/info on simple explanations of debuggers and how best to use 
them to solve such an issue as I have here.

Thanks for your help.

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