[Zope] ZODB Conflict Error

Chris McDonough chrism at plope.com
Fri Mar 5 13:02:40 EST 2004

This *might* be caused by using sessions in Zope.  Even if it isn't, see
the Zope Book sessioning chapter for more details, as it explains
conflict errors.

- C

On Fri, 2004-03-05 at 08:40, Kevin Carlson wrote:
> Hi all,
> Every two minutes exactly, a ZODB conflict error is being logged in my 
> zope event log file.  After googling for what a ZODB Conflict Error 
> actually is, I still don't have enough information to actually solve 
> this problem.  Below is one of the sample records:
> 2004-03-05T08:30:45 INFO(0) ZODB conflict error at 
> /VirtualHostBase/http/www.site.com:80/Conf/PSCAD/VirtualHostRoot/ (267 
> conflicts since startup at 2004-03-04T22:02:21)
> The site itself is operating fine, but I noticed that the log file was 
> getting rather large and looked into it only to find a huge amount of 
> messages like the one above.  From what I understand this type of error 
> is caused when two threads attempt to write to a common object.  Since 
> this site is simply serving up information and doesn't allow any content 
> edits, I'm a bit confused on how this is happening.  All of the conflict 
> error messages in the event log are identical to the one above (except 
> for the date/time/count info).
> Any ideas as to what is causing this?
> Thanks,
> Kevin
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