[Zope] Search a Catalog in Python
Dragos Chirila
d.chirila at finsiel.ro
Mon Mar 15 04:10:42 EST 2004
I am doing something similarly.
def __searchCatalog(self, p_criteria):
"""Search catalog"""
return self.__catalog(p_criteria)
This returns a list of mybrains objects.
def __getFoundObjects(self, p_list):
"""gets objects from catalog results"""
return map(self.__catalog.getobject, map(getattr, p_list,
It gets a list of mybrains objects and returns a list of zope objects.
So, to search the catalog (in my case the __catalog is the ZCatalog
results = self.__getFoundObjects(self.__catalog(filter))
The filter mut be a dictionary, something like: {'meta_type': 'File'}.
I think that you must write like:
if you want to search by id.
Hope this will help
> Dear Zopers
> This time, I thought it should be simple, but I am struggling again:
> The idea was to search for items that have been catalogued successfully.
> In the Zope Book they describe how to do this using form and scripts.
> That works for me, too, but then I need to search in a regular Python
> program (An FS product).
> For this purpose, I found the ZCatalog.search method and gave it a try,
> but I cannot get it to work. It expects a dictionary, but what does that
> contain?
> Here is what I have so far:
> __init__(self, id, title, ...):
> ...
> # add a Catalog
> _catalog = ZCatalog('Catalog')
> # add Metadata fields for the Catalog
> _catalog.addColumn('id')
> _catalog.addColumn('title')
> _catalog.addColumn('icon')
> # PathIndex
> _catalog.addIndex('path_index', 'PathIndex')
> # ZCTextIndex (with the required Lexicon)
> class Extra:
> """ Just a dummy to build records for the Lexicon.
> """
> pass
> extra = Extra()
> extra.index_type = 'Okapi BM25 Rank'
> extra.lexicon_id = 'Lexicon'
> _catalog._setObject('Lexicon', PLexicon('Lexicon', '',
> Splitter(), CaseNormalizer()))
> _catalog.addIndex('title', 'ZCTextIndex', extra)
> # FieldIndex
> _catalog.addIndex('composer_first_name_index', 'FieldIndex',
> 'first_name')
> _catalog.addIndex('composer_last_name_index', 'FieldIndex',
> 'last_name')
> _catalog.addIndex('composer_year_of_birth_index', 'FieldIndex',
> 'year_of_birth')
> self._setObject('Catalog', _catalog)
> ...
> # all new items get catalogued (verified) and now we should be
> able to search for them like this (???):
> def searchForAnItem(item)
> obj=self.Catalog(id={'query':[item]})
> What is wrong here? I feel very stupid again. Any help is appreciated!
> Thanks and kind regards
> Andre
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