[Zope] Local File System

Chris Beaven chris at d-designz.co.nz
Tue Mar 16 17:53:54 EST 2004

I recently wrote a couple of hacks to make LocalFS work for me with Page 
Templates. Even though I put my patches up on Zope.org, I don't really 
feel like my quick hacks are worthy of the LocalFS name. Mainly I put it 
up because it worked for me in Zope 2.6 and I wanted to archive my work :)

Local File System is a good product, but we still only have a stable 
version just under 2 years old which is not keeping up with Zope 
development. What do other people think about the development (or lack 
of) of this product? Do you see it as an important product?

What are people's experiences with the CVS version 1.1?

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