[Zope] Blocking image/photo hotlinking

Jens Vagelpohl jens at zope.com
Sat Mar 20 11:06:48 EST 2004

> I have noticed that more and more sites are hotlinking images from my 
> Zope site. There seem to be solutions for Apache using .httaccess but 
> nothing in Zope or for the products.
> I did find this.
> http://zope.org/Members/terry/VarImage/swpackage_view
> Has anyone come up with a good Zope based solution?

It should be possible to create your own type of image that changes 
behavior if the Referer stored in the REQUEST does not equal your 
site's hostname. It's certainly not foolproof, but would definitely 
beat most people that do deep-linking of images.


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