[Zope] Call python functhion in dtml-file

Serg sutni at yandex.ru
Mon Mar 22 09:59:01 EST 2004

I have problem with below code:
def aaa(self):
    " "
    # do something
class A:
     def aa(self, sub):
     " "
           if sub=='edit':
                return self.manage_AAAForm2(self,self.REQUEST)

-----file A.dtml----
<form name="form" action="aaa">
  <input type="text" name="Name" value=<dtml-var Name>>
  <input type="submit" name=sub value="edit">

Zope write:
Site Error
An error was encountered while publishing this resource. 
Debugging Notice
Zope has encountered a problem publishing your object. 
Cannot locate object at: http://localhost:8080/min/1/aaa

Zope cannot find function aaa() from A.py.

How can I call python functhion in dtml-file?


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