[Zope] executing external methods over nfs

Lester Cram Lester.Cram at rah.scot.nhs.uk
Wed Mar 24 08:35:38 EST 2004

I have written an external method that changes information in a file
a bit like the write to file method. It uses import os and system calls for shell commands(the shell commands owner and group is abc)
the script uses os.chmod 0777 on the file, alters it with the shell command and then os.chmod 644
It works when the file is anywhere on the local filesystem but not over nfs.
Zope is started by root and the exernal method is owned by root.
themethod.py is owned by root
nfs is mounted as in fstab  /nfs1  nfs  addr=10.10.10..10,noauto  0  0
/nfs1 has root ownership and everything below this is 65534 (nobody) user and group with the relevant files read write lor the user and read  for group and others
there is no entry in etc/exports
another shell based command (owner abc group abc )writes the initial files to nfs
I beleve that the problem relates to file permissions but dont know how to fix it.Any help appreciated.

When we reduce our own liberties to stop terrorism, the terrorists
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