[Zope] Zope article at Kuro5hin.org

Max M maxm at mxm.dk
Thu Mar 25 03:08:28 EST 2004

John Schinnerer wrote:

> So I stick with it because - conceptually - it's just way, way cooler
> than anything else.  Meanwhile - in reality -  I spend hours just
> trying to find out the right little bit of syntax or correct way to
> reference or method or hack or whatever to get one little tiny thing
> done.  And so on, and so on...

The Kuro5hin comments are right on the mark. It's a big system. 
Extremely difficult to learn. *Extremely* frustrating.

I have myself been so frustrated with it, on the verge of quitting 
development in it, so many times. Although that was only in the first year.

Then when I thought that I finally mastered it, along came CMF/Plone. 
Which was allmost as difficult as Zope itself.

At first I said to myself. This sucks. It's big and it's unruly. I'll 
goddam write something myself that's simpler and more logical.

The funny thing was, that as I developed my own system, it came to look 
more and more like CMF/Plone, in how things where done.

So I gave up and switched to CMF/Plone. But this time around I had a 
much easier time understanding CMF/Plone as I had allready written 
something very similar.

But all in all the payoff of using Zope/Plone has been imense.

Now it is so easy to develop new functionality that I dread working in 
other systems. Once you get a grasp of Zope, it really does deliver on 
it's promise. Flexible and powerfull.

I now know Zope/Plone inside out by now, and am able to quickly find my 
answers in the source, because I know where to look. Developing a new 
product/content type takes me between half a day and a week. Depending 
on the complexity. A week is for something like a big discussion forum.

But I must say that I am really looking forward to Zope 3. It should 
remove the frustrating experiences I have had getting to where I am now.

It doesn't matter much for me personally, as I am able to do what I want 
by now. But a bigger Zope comunity, where new developers are able to 
contribute much more easily will be a *really* big advantage.

And all the cool concepts in Zope implmemented in a much more "Pythonc" 
way. Can hardly wait.


hilsen/regards Max M, Denmark

IT's Mad Science

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