[Zope] Create 'Email Button' in an html page. help

J Cameron Cooper jccooper at jcameroncooper.com
Mon Mar 29 00:54:53 EST 2004

saimun cheng wrote:

>I have a page with a html table and a <img src=""..>
>from ZGDChart. I would like to allow the user to click
>an 'Email' button at the below of this page which will
>send this page to the user's email account. 
>Sorry I know very little of emailing in zope, esp in
>this case study. Any little amount of advice is very
>much needed.
Look at the API for MailHost and also the reference for the dtml tags 
dtml-sendmail and dtml-mime. Neither of these are any further than the 
Zope help system on your computer right now.

Find something that sends email and copy that. The CMF RegistrationTool 
does, as I recall. Perhaps ZopeLabs.com can also help you. Plone has an 
"email this page" feature you may also be interested in.


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