[Zope] Problem Accessing a Z SQL Method

Chris Withers lists at simplistix.co.uk
Tue Mar 30 03:54:39 EST 2004

Asad Habib wrote:

> I have a DTML document that calls a DTML method which in turn calls
> another DTML method. This second DTML method is called using the following
> syntax:
> <dtml-call "some_dtml_method">

...try cahnging that to:

<dtml-call some_dtml_method>

> Wihin this second DTML method I try to access a Z SQL method using the
> following syntax:
> <dtml-call "update_something_sql">


<dtml-call update_something_sql>

> Error Type: NameError
> Error Value: global name 'update_something_sql' is not defined

Is this from within the ZSQL method?

> Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Stop using DTML, this kind of suckiness is why ZPT was invented...


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