[Zope] case-independant catalog sorting

Andreas Jung andreas at andreas-jung.com
Wed May 12 02:59:05 EDT 2004

if you want the index to remain casesensitive then you should use 
to sort the results. You can pass your own comparision method to 
sequence.sort() ...
read the docs for details.


--On Mittwoch, 12. Mai 2004 2:54 Uhr -0400 Marc Lindahl <marc at bowery.com> 

> you mean, re-sort the set of results returned by the catalog?
> On Wednesday, May 12, 2004, at 12:51  AM, Andreas Jung wrote:
>> Write a PythonScript that returns the content to be indexed in a
>> normalized form and place it somewhere
>> in the top of your site.
>> -aj
>> --On Dienstag, 11. Mai 2004 18:20 Uhr -0400 Marc Lindahl
>> <marc at bowery.com> wrote:
>>> Does anyone know how to get a sort on a (zcatalog) FieldIndex to be
>>> case-independent (case-folding)?
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