[Zope] zope fastcgi connection

Maric MICHAUD maric at aristote.info
Sun May 16 22:29:35 EDT 2004

Jamie Heilman a écrit :

> stay on the list
> Maric MICHAUD wrote:
>>With zope 2.6... Oh ! So I think both WEBSERVER.txt and README.debian 
>>need a little update... they describe PCGI, FastCGI but no mod_proxy... 
>>(I used FastCGI cause it is told faster than PGCI and it's packaged for 
> Debian needs a lot more than a little update, like a boot to the
> happysack, but thats neither here nor there.  I would strongly advise
> against using the Debian package for Zope.

I really want to know why this advice, I pointed that the Zope Book is 
up-to-date for now and as far as I experienced all debian packaged 
products work like a charm... also you'll get automatic securities 
updates and it's not a little point especially for Zope (which 
administrator do it manually ?).

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