[Zope] Homepage

Tino Wildenhain tino at wildenhain.de
Mon Oct 4 07:41:24 EDT 2004

Hi John,

On Mon, 2004-10-04 at 13:28, John Poltorak wrote:
> Is there a list of file names which Zope looks for to automatically 
> display a homepage when a website is referenced?
> I would like home.htm to shown when viewing www.mysite.org but it doesn't 
> look as if Zope searches for such a file. Is this a configuration option?

Here is the list:


Yes, its only one element.
Strictly speaking there are no such things
like files in Zope. You have a bounch of
objects forming attributes and methods of 
a big object-tree. Pointing a browser
(via URL) to somewhere in the tree
is means zope walks up from root to the
desired object and calls it. Whatever
this call returns is then sent to the browser.

(This simple explanation does not cover advanced
topics as Acquisition)

Maybe you want to follow the examples in 
the Zope-Book a bit to find out.

You can make a simple python script
to look at the attributes of the current
folder if there are any of your "default"
documents and return them rendered.

Best results are however if you redesign 
your site specific to Zope.


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