[Zope] on dates

massimop at users.berlios.de massimop at users.berlios.de
Mon Oct 11 15:13:14 EDT 2004

On Mon, 2004-10-11 at 19:45 +0100, Cliff Ford wrote:
> Just to be clear that we are on the same wavelength, do this:
> Add a python script called test from the Add drop down list.
> Type d in the Parameter List box
> Put this and only this in the script textarea, replacing completely the 
> default python script:
> return DateTime(d).strftime('%H:%M, %a %d %b, %Y')
> Save and test, typing 2004-10-11 in the Test Value box. It should give 
> you the date. 
yes, it does...

> Now, in your page template make the call look like this:
> <i tal:content="python: here.test(d='2004-10-11')"></i>
> Test the page template. If that works,

>  substitute the typed in date with 
> the value that you are trying to display. If item.data is date string it 
> should just work. If item.data is a more complex object then we are at 
> cross purposes - but it should be because that us what MySQL stores.
this way?
<i tal:content="python: here.test(d=item.data)"></i>

I get

Error Type: TypeError
Error Value: int() argument must be a string or a number

isn't funny? :)

> Cliff

(sorry, I've accidentally answered directly... I'm getting confused:))

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