[Zope] sendall attribute error in zope 2.6.1/python2.1.3/windows

Sean Kelley kelleyfarm at gmail.com
Wed Oct 27 17:33:34 EDT 2004

I am sending email via zope and a python script from cmf workflow.
When I as the admin  send the email it sends without problems.  When a
CMF/Plone member with manager rights does it I get this sendall
missing attribute error.

I have researched this and it appears there may have been an issue
with python 2.1.3 not having sendall module included in the windows
release.  HOWEVER, if I can do it as the site admin this would seem to
me not to be the issue.  I am hoping to find the actual issue here
before attempting to fix python 2.1.3 or upgrade zope/python.

Traceback (innermost last):
Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 98, in publish
Module ZPublisher.mapply, line 88, in mapply
Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 39, in call_object
Module Products.CMFPlone.FormTool, line 235, in __call__
Module Products.CMFPlone.NavigationTool, line 98, in getNextObject
Module Products.CMFPlone.NavigationTool, line 289, in _getScript
Module ZPublisher.mapply, line 88, in mapply
Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 39, in call_object
Module Products.CMFCore.FSPythonScript, line 90, in __call__
Module Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings, line 252, in __call__
Module Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings, line 270, in _bindAndExec
Module Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings, line 283, in _bindAndExec
Module Products.CMFCore.FSPythonScript, line 124, in _exec
 - __traceback_info__: ({'script': <FSPythonScript at
/utilities/content_status_modify used for
'context': <Document at
'container': <PloneSite instance at 01B1EF48>, 'traverse_subpath':
[]}, ('announce', '', '', ''), {}, ('', None, None))
Module Script (Python), line 7, in content_status_modify
Module Products.CMFPlone.WorkflowTool, line 37, in doActionFor
Module Products.CMFCore.WorkflowTool, line 309, in doActionFor
Module Products.CMFCore.WorkflowTool, line 624, in _invokeWithNotification
Module Products.DCWorkflow.DCWorkflow, line 275, in doActionFor
Module Products.DCWorkflow.DCWorkflow, line 440, in _changeStateOf
Module Products.DCWorkflow.DCWorkflow, line 489, in _executeTransition
Module Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings, line 252, in __call__
Module Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings, line 270, in _bindAndExec
Module Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings, line 283, in _bindAndExec
Module Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript, line 315, in _exec
Module Script (Python), line 94, in email_announce
 - <PythonScript at
 - Line 94
Module Products.MailHost.MailHost, line 125, in send
Module Products.MailHost.MailHost, line 145, in _send
Module smtplib, line 466, in sendmail
Module smtplib, line 316, in ehlo
Module smtplib, line 247, in putcmd
Module smtplib, line 235, in send
Module socket, line 1, in sendall
AttributeError: sendall


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