[Zope] How do you replace content with an action?

Passin, Tom tpassin at mitretek.org
Fri Sep 3 14:17:01 EDT 2004

> From: Laura McCord [mailto:Laura.McCord at doucet-austin.com]
>  Yes I have been struggling with this issue this week. The whole big
> picture is that I need to sort my table which contains the data from a
> zsql method. But, I have several elements that I need to deal with.
> First of all, my page template contains a requested expand/collapse
> feature using javascript that once a row of data is clicked a new
> will expand that contains more related data of that row.
> I have to paths:
> 1)I have javascript already that will sort the visible data in my
> but it will not sort the corresponding hidden table that is visible
> clicked. So, when I click a row of data the wrong hidden table

For this approach, I would store all the data for the tables in
javascript arrays, and use a custom sorting function to sort for the
specific order desired for the various table columns.  After sorting,
you would re-populate the table from the sorted results.  It would not
matter if some of the data were hidden - choosing whether to display
hidden data would work independently from the sorting.

> 2)This is why I was looking at finding a way to redefine the results
> clicking on the appropriate header. So, I wanted each heading on my
> table to trigger the right zsql method that already contains the
> sort and reassigning it to the batch results and then display
> accordingly.

Of course, this approach makes the javascript part easy (there isn't
any).  You would just put a hyperlink in each header that contains the
url of the page that uses the correct zsql method.  Alternatively, you
could use just one page and have the page logic select the right zsql
method depending on the contents of the form.

What form, you ask?  Well, you don't really need a form per se, you can
just add the variables you need to the url yourself when you construct
the href value.  When Zope gets the page request, it will think you
submitted a form.  The url would look like this -



Tom P

> So, I don't know which path to continue with and beat with a stick
> I get it working.

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