[Zope] calling a DTML Method from a DTML MEthod from a Python PRoduct...

Bill Hewitt wphewitt at comcast.net
Wed Sep 8 03:03:28 EDT 2004

Ive got a need to call a DTML Method from a DTML Method I call in a
Python Product:

In the Python File, I use to call the Creation Form (a DTML Method):

manage_addCampusForm = HTMLFile('campus_dtml/CampusAddForm',globals())

manage_addCampusForm needs to call:

tableSubmitButtons =

Which is in the same directory as "manage_addCampusForm". Where do I put
the second method above so that the Python Product/first DTML method
finds it? so far I have tried to just add it to the bottom of the file
and in the Class Definition - but I get an error that the
"tableSubmitButtons" method cant be found....

What am I doing wrong here?



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