[Zope] Management View

Johan Carlsson johanc at easypublisher.com
Thu Sep 9 13:41:15 EDT 2004

Edward Hartfield wrote:

> Johan Carlsson wrote:
>    Why do you need different authentication logic?
> My client wants to do form-based authentication and have user data 
> stored in a database so they can manage users without having to know 
> anything about Zope.  My idea is to create a folder object that can be 
> given a method (AuthenticateMethod) to call when someone tries to 
> traverse the folder's contents.  AuthenticateMethod returns true or 
> false.  The folder itself knows nothing of the authentication scheme.  
> That's AuthenticateMethod's concern.
> My partner and I agree that it doesn't make sense to throw away Zope's 
> built-in security.  But we don't like the hack required to logout a user 
> with basic authentication.  Also, we need to implement a record-level 
> authorization scheme.  The easiest, most cost-effective way to do this 
> seems to be using a database to define user permissions just the way we 
> want.
> I'd welcome any thoughts you or anyone else might have.

It sounds like Paul gave you a set of good advice.

My initial feeling was that you were trying to solve a problem
that is already solve in Zope.

You can accutally to pretty much you can do with Zope's security
system, specially the local_roles support, if you take a deeper
look. It will save you hours of work in the long run.

As we say: "Use the source Luke".
Zope source is easy too read and worth the while.
(IMHO it much better that the Zope Book ;-)

Johan Carlsson          Tel: + 46 8 31 24 94
Colliberty              Mob: + 46 70 558 25 24
Torsgatan 72            Email: johanc at easypublisher.com

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