[Zope] Sort keyword index

Garito garito at sistes.net
Tue Sep 14 17:52:18 EDT 2004

Dieter Maurer wrote:

>Garito wrote at 2004-9-14 02:02 +0200:
>>At these time I had implemented an external sorter but
>>Is there any kind of "rules" to create these kind of behavior integrated 
>>with ZCatalog?
>I doubt that you will get it into the ZCatalog code because
>the semantics of your sorting operation is not well defined:
>  Suppose, you have keywords a1 < a2 and b1 < b2
>  and documents d1 with keywords a1 and b2
>  as well as d2 with keywords a2 and b1.
>  Should "d1" come before "d2" or vice versa?
>Questions like this rule out "KeywordIndex" (or any other
>index that indexes an object under several terms)
>as sort index.
Then I don't worry about this!
Thanks a lot!!!!

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