[Zope] Re: came_from logic

Tres Seaver tseaver at zope.com
Sat Sep 25 15:32:35 EDT 2004

Gregory Gehrich wrote:
> When accessing a page anonymously that requires a login, the user is 
> presented with a login form, and when authenticated, the original page 
> they requested.  In my currrent environment, the orginal page is 
> presented less the query string.
> This came_from logic was supposedly fixed to bring the query string 
> forward after a the user authenticated in Plone 2.0.4 (see comment 
> below).  It did not appear to work.
>   - Fixed came_from testing when there is a query string (logged_in.py).
>       [geoffd]
> I updated the logged_in.py based on July 21 update from plonista.  Still 
> isn't working.  Should this work for all templates automatically or is 
> there coding that's needed in the called template when anonymous 
> accesses it?
> Apologize if this only pertains to Plone.

It also pertains to CMF, which has its own list (zope-cmf at zope.org). 
You likely need to update 'login_form.pt', which is responsible for 
POSTing the 'came_from' value to 'logged_in.py'.

Tres Seaver                                tseaver at zope.com
Zope Corporation      "Zope Dealers"       http://www.zope.com

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