[Zope] webdav / IE

Chris McDonough chrism at plope.com
Sat Sep 25 17:45:14 EDT 2004

On Sat, 2004-09-25 at 16:46, John Hunter wrote:
> >>>>> "Chris" == Chris McDonough <chrism at plope.com> writes:
>     Chris> Yup.  Seen it.
>     Chris> http://www.plope.com/Members/chrism/ms_befuddled/view
>     Chris> Still haven't fixed it.
>     Chris> Reportedly it has something to do with the headers that
>     Chris> Zope sends in its requests.
> Oh you tease me so!

Growl. ;-)

>   I read you page and immediately grepped the zope
> srcs for MS-Author-Via and commented them all out (Resource.py and
> Collection.py), restarted zope and tried my link (with so much
> anticipation)...
> But to no avail.  Still got the damn authentication box.

How about commenting "ETag" headers out too?  Any joy?

> Of course, as noted on your page I can right click save without issue.
> At the very least I can make it a FAQ and include a link to win32 Firefox on
> my site.  I sure would like to get this fixed though.

Me too.  I'm hoping someone else figures it out! ;-)

> I wonder if the header stuff on your link is a red herring since it
> doesn't seem to help.

I don't know either... As evidenced on that page, I still don't quite
grasp what IE is trying to do.

- C

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