[Zope] Long process in zope - how a long to be ?

kepes.krisztian kepes.krisztian at peto.hu
Tue Sep 28 05:32:02 EDT 2004

Hi !

I have a question about zope's python limitation.
ZopeBook is say that zope's py is limited. Limited: ranges are not be to
loo long, cycles (for, until) are limited, etc.

I want to create two unlimited, long process.
The first is an database content checker: it is check many records in an
interval (1 year, 1 month, etc).
So it is very slow, with many db operations.

The Zope is really limiting this process ? How to do it ? Terminate the
thread ?

How to prevent the process double starting (with refresh in the browser ?)
If I set a value in the session, that is good, but who delete it, when
the process-or request is terminted by an exception, or zope-s
termination signal ?

How to show the state of process ?
   a.) .write(), .flush(), long-long html with js tags what rewrite an
readonly form input-text with actual percent ?
   b.)  centrally stored  actual result  with  window.setinterval(n),
and periodic page reloading ?

Or I walk in wrong way, I must create an outer product (a py file) with
native commands, and zope only check this ?

Thanx for help:

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