[Zope] Plone/Zope on Debian Sarge

charlie derr cderr at simons-rock.edu
Mon Apr 4 10:45:48 EDT 2005

Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> On 04.Apr 2005 - 14:02:43, Chris Withers wrote:
>>The moral of this whole story seems to shine through:
>>Don't install Zope from OS packages like debian, they never get it right and 
>>you will just end up getting confused ;-)
> Yepp, especially, since Zope is that easy to install into your home...
> Andreas

I (a relative zope amateur) would offer my own counter-experience.  I 
recently set up zope-coreblog and zope2.7 (using packages from debian 
sarge/testing), and it's been running with very few issues for several 
months (and I additionally was able to get ldap integration working 
using the ldapuserfolder Product)

maybe the "better" or "surer" way to do things is to install zope 
(os-agnostic) binaries, but being already familiar with debian, for me 
it's worked out fine (so far) to use the debian-packaged stuff (though 
I've admittedly not played substantially with plone yet)


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