[Zope] Software Patents and Content Management Systems

Jan Ulrich Hasecke janulrich.hasecke at web.de
Tue Apr 5 06:53:14 EDT 2005


I am sorry for this excessive crossposting, but it is urgent and

The ffii.org made a list of cms-related patents. They need some feedback
from people actively using or developing Content Management Systems to
qualify the patents.

Please note that there is an ongoing legislative process in the european
parliament. Time is running short and the patent-holding companies are
doing an aggressive lobbying. 

Please consider the listed patent descriptions in context of your
favorite Zope CMS and give feedback to Holger Blasum or Dirk Steuwer
from FFII. Clarify to them to which extent your favorite Zope CMS could
be affected by the given patent.

Please reply to me, Dirk Steuwer and Holger Blasum

Thanks for your help!


And here are the links!

THIS IS THE LIST! English and German descriptions
http://wiki.ffii.org/CMSPatente04De -> gefundene Patente, found patents

PDF-Version with english and german descriptions

Some other Links 
GUI-patents webshop.ffii.org 

other Links:

P.S. There is an urgent call to action on www.nosoftwarepatents.com from
the sponsors of this anti-patent-site, which is now run by the FFII.
Lobbying against Software patents needs money. If you want to help,
please contact the given email-address listed here:

DZUG e.V.                                     Telefon: +49 (0)3496/309 49 7
Schalaunische Strasse 6                      Telefax: +49 (0)3496 309 91 18
06366 Köthen                         http://www.dzug.org http://www.zope.de
><((((°<  ><((((°<  ><((((°<  ><((((°<  ><((((°<  ><((((°<      Zope rocks!
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