[Zope] Newbie questions:

Paul Winkler pw_lists at slinkp.com
Mon Apr 11 19:04:26 EDT 2005

On Mon, Apr 11, 2005 at 06:43:46PM -0400, Jeffrey E. Forcier wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Enrique Ariz?n wrote:
> > Hi again, I'm starting to make up with Zope, but still basic doubts
> > remains:
> >
> > Q1: When using normal python I'got used to the dir(Object) to learn
> > new APIs/Libraries. But when trainning with my first Zope Scripts I
> > can't. The "dir not defined" error appears. ???
> Being a relative newbie myself, I'm not positive this is correct, but
> I can tell you that Python Scripts are limited in Zope--you can't
> access the entire set of normal Python libraries and functions. A
> large part, yes, but not all of them. I'd be surprised if 'dir' was
> not in the allowed functions, but that would be one reason why it's
> claiming it's not defined.

Mostly correct, except I'd say a "small part" rather than "large part".

(which will make more sense if you read
http://www.plope.com/Books/2_7Edition/BasicScripting.stx first)


Paul Winkler

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