[Zope] How to convert Zope instance charset?

Andreas Jung lists at andreas-jung.com
Sun Apr 24 12:05:42 EDT 2005

--On Sonntag, 24. April 2005 17:45 Uhr +0200 Daniel Dekany 
<ddekany at freemail.hu> wrote:

> Sunday, April 24, 2005, 4:22:10 PM, Andreas Jung wrote:
> First of all, in this thread I don't care whose mistake it is. My
> concern is if I can use Zope with UTF-8 (in fact, Plone) in reality or
> not. Assume that I'm using a few non-US-ASCII characters, and I want
> sometimes show things alphabetically sorted...

You're not getting the point. As long as you handle with Python string
and not with unicode strings then there is no way in Zope deal correctly
with different kind of encodings...As I said...it is an application side
problem.  Zope and Python provide you the tools to deal with UTF8 but
you need to solve such problems on in your application.  That's my last
comment on this issue :-)

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