[Zope] zope.org site and limited search results

Jaroslav Lukesh lukesh at seznam.cz
Tue Aug 16 04:07:42 EDT 2005

Dear zopistas,

few times ago I was few times wrote to ZC webmaster about limited query to 
Zope Products search results (see attached picture) - in any case it does not 
find more than 200 results. Nothing to do. If somebody has enough power to 
initiate zope.org webmaster, please tell him about change number of results 
from database at "advanced" tab of appropriate ZSQL method (if it is not 
defined somewhere else).

Note, that "old" zope site does not has this limit.

Many thanks,


                        Jaroslav Lukesh
  This e-mail can not contain any viruses because I use Linux
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