[Zope] adding property to new Folder: can't pickle module objects

Roman Klesel roman_plonemail at lotuseyes.de
Tue Aug 30 06:12:32 EDT 2005

Hello everyone,

again I'm stuck :-(

I have a python script that looks as follows:

for ids in context.objectIds('Folder'):

newid = str(int(max(results)) + 1)

context.manage_addProduct['OFSP'].manage_addFolder(newid, title="person")

newaddr=getattr(context, newid)

newaddr.manage_addProperty("test", "test", string)

return 0

When I run it it returns the error:

Error Type: TypeError
Error Value: can't pickle module objects

It looks like as if the Folder doesn't get created when the
manage_addProperty() function tries to modify it.

If I comment out the line with the manage_addProperty() function the
folder however gets created and newaddr has as sensible value.

Please help me to clarify this.

Thanks in advance


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