[Zope] Python Classes and Zope.

Andreas Jung lists at andreas-jung.com
Thu Dec 1 10:56:58 EST 2005

--On 1. Dezember 2005 13:46:55 -0200 Fernando Lujan 
<fernando.lujan at terra.com.br> wrote:

> There's a way to use a Python class inside zope?
> For instance, if I create the class:
> class MyClass:
>      "A simple example class"
>      i = 12345
>      def f(self):
>          return 'hello world'
> Can I invoke the following code inside a Python Script?
> x = MyClass()
> x.f()

PythonScripts are for *scripting* not for implementing complex
logic and for programming tasks that require classes. PythonScripts don't 
provide full Python functionality that why were are talking of *Restriced 
Python*. Consider writing your functionality as Python product.

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