[Zope] checking for elements in a list

Chris Withers chris at simplistix.co.uk
Mon Dec 5 02:49:08 EST 2005

Christopher Rivard wrote:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/zope/message/150345

I'm working offline, so can't see what you're refering to.

> The solution that I have come to is to simply set a cookie and serve up 
> the correct fields based on the cookie:
> <dtml-if "17 in list_map_dir_id and 21 not in list_map_dir_id">
> <dtml-call "RESPONSE.setCookie(list_type,'lodge')">
> <dtml-elif "21 in list_map_dir_id and 17 not in list_map_dir_id">
> <dtml-call "RESPONSE.setCookie(list_type,'resto')">
> <dtml-elif "21 in list_map_dir_id and 17 in list_map_dir_id">
> <dtml-call "RESPONSE.setCookie(list_type,'restolodge')">
> <dtml-else>
> <dtml-call "RESPONSE.setCookie(list_type,'other')">
> </dtml-if>
> <dtml-in insert_listing1_sql>
> id: <dtml-var newid>
> <dtml-call "REQUEST.set('list_map_list_id', newid)">
> </dtml-in>
> <dtml-call insert_listing_map_sql>
> <dtml-call 
> "RESPONSE.redirect('add_listing2?list_id=%s'%(REQUEST['list_map_list_id']))"> 

Oh my god! What the hell are you doing? Want some plyers to pull your 
fingernails out while you're at it?!

> I am sure there are more elegant ways to do this  - the client wanted 
> the data in a RDBMS for portability....yah yah yah....

...and it looks like you don't have a clue about relational databases.

Sounds like you want to have an establishments table, a "features" 
table, and then learn to do a join on both to get the features for a 
given establishment.

sheesh, I'm on the verge of tears having read the above...



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