[Zope] First International Workshop on Free/Open Source EIS/ERP

Rogério Atem de Carvalho ratem at cefetcampos.br
Sat Dec 10 13:05:30 EST 2005

Dear Colleague,

as the First International Workshop on Free/Open Source EIS/ERP organizer, I
would like to invite you to submit a paper to it. This event is the first
one, of international dimension, dedicated to free/open source EIS/ERP and
will be held in parallel to the IFIP TC8 International Conference on
Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems 2006
(CONFENIS 2006). We expect papers from both academicians and practitioners,
in all subjects related to Enterprise Information Systems and Enterprise
Resources Planning. Authors that do not focus their work specifically in
free/open source software can submit to Confenis 2006. Elsevier will publish
proceedings of both events and best papers will be also published by top
ranking IEEE and ACM periodicals. More information is available at

About the IFIP:
The IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing) was created
in 1960 under the auspicious of UNESCO; it aggregates the main computer
societies worldwide, including the ACM and IEEE. It is responsible for the
realization of top ranking conferences like IFIP/W3C/ACM International World
Wide Web Conference and IEEE/ACM/IFIP International Conference on
Hardware/Software Codesign & System Synthesis. More information about IFIP
is available at http://www.ifip.or.at/

About the IFIP TC8:
The IFIP Technical Committee 8 – Information Systems is divided in many
subcommittees, each one for a specific IS area:
·	WG 8.1 Design and Evaluation of Information Systems
·	WG 8.2 Interaction of Information Systems and the Organization
·	WG 8.3 Decision Support Systems
·	WG 8.4 E-Business: Multi-disciplinary research and practice
·	WG 8.5 Information Systems in Public Administration
·	WG 8.6 Transfer and Diffusion of Information Technology
·	WG 8.8 Smart Cards

At http://ifiptc8.itu.dk/ more information can be found about the IFIP TC8.

Please forward this message and CFPs to other EIS/ERP researchers and

Best regards,

Prof. Rogério Atem de Carvalho, D.Sc.
Gerente de Pesquisa / Research Manager
CEFET Campos

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