[Zope] Re: optimising Zope startup time
Paul Winkler
pw_lists at slinkp.com
Thu Feb 3 14:16:39 EST 2005
On Thu, Feb 03, 2005 at 08:05:02PM +0100, martin f krafft wrote:
> also sprach Tres Seaver <tseaver at zope.com> [2005.02.03.1939 +0100]:
> > Use ZEO, even for development sandboxes (a lot of the startup time
> > without ZEO is spent opening the FileStorage). With ZEO, the appserver
> > just connects to the storage server.
> Ha! I have only just begun claiming I understand Zope. And my time
> is very limited as I have to deliver next week already. So unless
> ZEO is a breeze to set up (running Debian Linux here), I will need
> to pass this time around (but thanks for the hint, it's surely worth
> a look once I get some time...)
It's really easy.
To convert a Zope instance to a combination Zope/Zeo instance
on *nix:
0) shut down Zope.
1) Where your zope software is installed, run this:
./bin/mkzeoinstance.py /path/to/your/instance 8100
That gives you etc/zeo.conf
as well as bin/runzeo and bin/zeoctl.
No need to edit anything in these.
2) edit etc/zope.conf:
Uncomment the very last section, under the
comment heading # ZEO Client Storage.
Comment out the Filestorage section above that,
which begins with <zodb_db main>
and ends with </zodb_db>.
3) In your instance home, start ZEO first, then zope:
./bin/zeoctl start
./bin/zopectl start
You're done.
I don't know where Debian puts zope-related stuff,
so if you're using their Zope packages you may have
to use find or locate to figure out what's where.
Paul Winkler
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