[Zope] installing PIF in win32 zope
Rodrigo Dias Arruda Senra
rodsenra at gpr.com.br
Fri Feb 4 07:41:27 EST 2005
Ian Hood wrote:
> I am a newbie working through the zope book and tutorials.
> The zope book examples regarding Image manipulation states that the
> python PIF is required.
I suppose you want PIL == Python Image Library instead of PIF!
I do not know about any PIF in Zope/Python context.
> The only info I can find for installing PIF is Unix/Linux oriented..
I believe it'll be easier for a newbie to use PIL modules from
Zope ExternalMethods.
- Install PIL in Windows from binaries (site mentioned above).
- Just create a file in <Zope install path>\Extensions,
and inside ZMI (Zope Management Interface) create a ExternalMethod
object that maps to a function inside the prior file.
The file that contains the function bound to the ExternalMethod
inside Zope could look like the following example:
import os
from StringIO import StringIO
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont, ImageFilter, ImageChops
# to insert Images inside Zope
from OFS.Image import manage_addImage
def make_label(label, fontname, fontsize,
fg=(0,0,0), bg=(0,0,0), transp=10):
"""Return StringIO object with a image that
represents a transparent label"""
font = ImageFont.truetype(fontname ,fontsize)
Img=Image.new("L", (10,10),0)
color_list = []
for c in bg+fg:
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(Img)
sizex, sizey = draw.textsize(label,font=font)
Img = Img.resize((sizex,sizey))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(Img)
bimsize = (sizex, sizey)
width,height = bimsize
xoff = yoff = 0
draw.text((xoff,yoff), label, fill=1, font=font)
imgfile = StringIO()
Img.save(imgfile,'png', transparency=transp)
del Img
return imgfile
def zope_make_label(self, oid, label, fontname, fontsize,
fg, bg, transp):
imgfile = make_label(label, fontname, fontsize, fg, bg, transp)
manage_addImage(self, oid, imgfile)
del imgfile
best regards,
Rodrigo Senra
MSc Computer Engineer rodsenra at gpr.com.br
GPr Sistemas Ltda http://www.gpr.com.br
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