[Zope] url path remainder as a script parameter?

Phillip Hutchings sitharus at gmail.com
Tue Feb 22 15:14:06 EST 2005

On Tue, 22 Feb 2005 01:34:59 -0800, Kent Watsen <kent at watsen.net> wrote:
> Dieter, thank you for your time and patience!
> I found a product called DirArg that seems to do the trick, but its own
> documentation says that it is deprecated by traverse_subpath...
> I also found http://zope.org/Members/lalo/scriptclass and have now
> written a simple Python-based product, which I am now modifying to
> derive off the Script class, but the instructions are a little
> cryptic...   But I think that I'm still missing something fundamental -
> a normal product has a class that has an index_html method - is the goal
> for my Script-derived product class's index_html method to have the
> traverse_subpath variable defined?
> Also, the normal product's index_html is initialized using something like:
>     index_html = DTMLFile("index_html", globals())
> Is there such a thing as:
>     index_html = PythonScriptFile("index_html", globals())
> ??? I googled, but couldn't find anything...
> Again, my high-level goal is to have a Product that uses
> traverse_subpath to form a query against another application - surely
> this is not uncommon...

Actually, it appears to be. I had the same problem with my as-yet
incomplete blog that I wanted to have URLS much as you describe. I
figured it out though. traverse_subpath is only set for ZPT, DTML and
Script (Python) objects, as far as I can see, so I snarfed the code
from the python script class. You need this code for it:

This will allow Zope to traverse down as far as it likes and add it to
a variable in request called 'traverse_subpath'

    def __before_publishing_traverse__(self, self2, request):
        path = request['TraversalRequestNameStack']
        if path and hasattr(self.aq_base, path[-1]):
        subpath = path[:]
        path[:] = []
        request.set('traverse_subpath', subpath)

and then in your index_html method you need to decode the subpath and
then do what you want with it, here's what I do at the moment:
    def index_html(self, REQUEST=None, *args, **kw):
        """Serve up blog requests"""
        traverse_subpath = REQUEST['traverse_subpath']
        if len(traverse_subpath) == 0:
            # We return the index page
            return self.blog_index_html(self, REQUEST, **kw)
        elif len(traverse_subpath) == 1:
            item = traverse_subpath[0]
            if re.match(r"[1-2][0-9]{3}", item) is not None:
                return "Year match %s" % item
                return "Other match %s" % item
            return "Deep nesting, item is %s" % '/'.join(traverse_subpath)

Hope this helps a bit. The individual path elements are stored as an
array, starting from the left most element after the last 'real'
object, ie the instance of this class.
Phillip Hutchings
sitharus at gmail.com / sitharus at sitharus.com

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