[Zope] Hanging Zope

Chris Kratz chris.kratz at vistashare.com
Fri Feb 25 07:55:51 EST 2005

Hello Chris,

On Friday 25 February 2005 05:25 am, Chris Withers wrote:
> > We have been having intermittent problems with zope hanging in both
> > production and development.  For what it's worth, it seems as if this
> > problem started to occur since we upgraded to zope 2.7.3 (python 2.3.4)
> > and Apelib 1.0.
> Where are you using apelib to store your data?

I'm not exactly sure what your asking, but we are using the file system 
mapping.  Here is the relevant portion of our zope.conf

%import Products.Ape
<ape-db main>
    mapper-variation filesystem
    <ape-fs-connection fs>
      basepath $INSTANCE/var/fs
      hidden-filenames _|\.svn|.+~|.+#
  mount-point /
  scan-interval 2
  cache-size 10000

> > Are there any other tricks to find where or what is locking the threads? 
> > Even though I'm running in debug mode, killing  does not produce a
> > traceback.  Is there any way to force threads to dump a traceback on
> > exit?
> This might be of help:
> http://www.zope.org/Members/nuxeo/Products/DeadlockDebugger
> cheers,
> Chris

Thanks, I will try that.


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