[Zope] ZODB issues
Craig Lewis
clewis at ebaseweb.com
Mon Feb 28 17:21:08 EST 2005
I have installed a new instance of zope 2.7.4. I have brought in a
Data.fs file from another ISP. I don't know exactly what version this
file is from, but I am fairly sure its some 2.x version. My question(s)
is what to do next, I am new to zope, but I have tried a lot of things.
The basic problem is that the btree structure of the interesting part of
the site is broken (perhaps corrupt).I can start and run the server, and
browse through the control panel, and perform various administrative
tasks. The top level index_html file is just a redirect to the site1
folder structure, which is the one that is broken. I mention this,
because this file works, but any contents below site1 are not visible.
this works
-su-2.05b$ python utilities/ZODBTools/fstest.py var/Data.fs
-su-2.05b$ python utilities/ZODBTools/fsrefs.py var/Data.fs
as does
-su-2.05b$ python utilities/ZODBTools/fsdump.py var/Data.fs | less
This doesn't
-su-2.05b$ python utilities/ZODBTools/checkbtrees.py var/Data.fs
<root> {'Application': <Application instance at 8346650>, 'ZGlobals':
<OOBTree object at 0x8910ec8>}
['Application'] <Application instance at 8346650>
['ZGlobals'] <OOBTree object at 0x8910ec8>
['Application'].__error_log__ <SiteErrorLog at error_log>
['Application'].Sync <ZSyncer instance at 890c800>
['Application'].standard_error_message <DTMLMethod instance at 8b6e200>
['Application'].temp_folder MountedObject(id='temp_folder')
['Application'].vhm1 <VirtualHostMonster instance at 8b6ef50>
['Application'].__allow_groups__ <UserFolder instance at 8b6e7a0>
['Application'].session_data_manager <SessionDataManager instance at
['Application'].browser_id_manager <BrowserIdManager instance at 8b7c350>
['Application'].standard_template.pt <ZopePageTemplate at
['Application'].Control_Panel <ApplicationManager instance at 8b86860>
['Application'].standard_html_footer <DTMLMethod instance at 8b868c0>
['Application'].index_html <DTMLMethod instance at 8b86920>
['Application'].site1 <Folder instance at 8b86950>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "utilities/ZODBTools/checkbtrees.py", line 122, in ?
File "utilities/ZODBTools/checkbtrees.py", line 110, in main
add_if_new_persistent(todo, v, newpath)
File "utilities/ZODBTools/checkbtrees.py", line 28, in
getattr(obj, '_', None) # unghostify
File "/www/htdocs/esginc.com/zope/lib/python/ZODB/Connection.py", line
600, in setstate
self._set_ghost_state(obj, p)
File "/www/htdocs/esginc.com/zope/lib/python/ZODB/Connection.py", line
639, in _set_ghost_state
state = unpickler.load()
File "/www/htdocs/esginc.com/zope/lib/python/ZODB/Connection.py", line
220, in _persistent_load
return self[oid]
File "/www/htdocs/esginc.com/zope/lib/python/ZODB/Connection.py", line
182, in __getitem__
klass=self._db._classFactory(self, module, name)
File "/www/htdocs/esginc.com/zope/lib/python/ZODB/DB.py", line 127, in
return getattr(__import__(location, _globals, _globals, _silly),
ImportError: No module named *ED1fLY3QImx5D39mCNz0gw==
nor does this, but I also get this error on a Data.fs that is not
broken, so I don't understand what I am doing wrong ?
-su-2.05b$ python lib/python/ZODB/fsrecover.py -P 1 -v 2 var/Data.fs
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "lib/python/ZODB/fsrecover.py", line 374, in ?
File "lib/python/ZODB/fsrecover.py", line 226, in main
opts, (inp, outp) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "fv:pP:")
ValueError: unpack list of wrong size
I attempted to try and follow the instructions to fix a corrupted
database, but I got errors that
the root did not exist....
>>> from Zope.Startup.run import configure
>>> configure('/www/htdocs/esginc.com/zope/etc/zope.conf')
>>> from ZODB.POSException import POSKeyError
>>> obj=root.unrestrictedTraverse('/site1')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
NameError: name 'root' is not defined
It really sort of 'seems' like I have mounted the database incorrectly,
and if I could fix some simple
mistake some where, ....
What I have done to import this Data.fs is to copy the file into var,
delete the index, modify the zope.conf to be somewhat similar to the way
it was in the 'other' server, and copy the files/contents of import
-su-2.05b$ ls import/
AdManager.zexp ZopeTutorialExamples.zexp custom.zexp
Examples.zexp acl_users.zexp
Portal.zexp biz_referral_form.zexp
README.txt content.zexp
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