[Zope] Re: Hierarchical content

robert robert at redcor.ch
Mon Jan 17 15:18:05 EST 2005

There is a product called ZopeTree
google for it
Gregory Gehrich wrote:

> Is anyone aware of a UI that displays their content as nested within 
> Zope?
> Andrew Milton wrote:
>> +-------[ Greg Gehrich ]----------------------
>> | I want to be able to create content and then attach sub-content to 
>> it. | For example, if tasks were the content, it would look like the 
>> following:
>> | | go shopping
>> |     get bananas
>> |     get bread
>> | pick up cleaning
>> |     get shirt
>> |     get pants
>> | clean house
>> |     clean kitchen
>> |         clean mixer
>> |         clean clean sink
>> |     clean bedroom
>> | | I don't want to have the overhead of creating and sifting through 
>> | folders as you navigate the hierarchy.  In order to do this, I need 
>> the | ability to have content that has folderish properties allowing 
>> sub content.
>> You could set a property on your item that points to the sub-items. 
>> If the list is ordered, you'd need to obviously also add some ordering
>> information.
>> Or subclass an existing document type and add the same type of thing.
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