[Zope] Pass objects from template to template via HTML forms.

Negroup - negroup at gmail.com
Mon Jul 4 17:37:30 EDT 2005

2005/7/4, Andreas Pakulat <apaku at gmx.de>:
> On 04.Jul 2005 - 22:53:58, Negroup - wrote:
> > <b tal:content="structure here/REQUEST"></b>
> You do get the object itself when you access REQEUST['obj'], only in
> HTML you get something like the above, as that's what the string
> represenation of obj is. 

Why then, if template b is:
<b tal:define="obj python:here.REQUEST['obj'].getId()"></b>
(or <b tal:define="obj python:here.REQUEST.form['obj'].getId()"></b>)

zope gives this error?

Error Type: AttributeError
Error Value: 'str' object has no attribute 'getId'

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